I know the holidays are full hustle and bustle. So why not sit and relax and create, before the crazy 2 weeks before Christmas.
Here's the sketch.
Rules: One entry per person. Must be in 12x12 format. Deadline is December 12, 2007 at midnight. Winner will be decided by most creative use of sketch. Winner will be announced on December 15, 2007. You can enter by emailing your LO to blueprintsketches@hotmail.com or posting a link in the comments to your image. Please keep the image smaller than 300 kb, but big enough so we can see detail, at least 600 x 400.

Prize: Maya Road Chipboard Calendar Book. This is a great item to alter. Great to give as a gift as well.
oh I like this...maybe I'll take a break from other people's stuff and give this one a try!
emailed you - or see my blog entry dated 12/1
Here's my entry! http://decemberdarling.blogspot.com/
(dated 12/4)
I'll also email it to you :)
super simple and no title, like usual! lol....
The links not working... Can you email it to me?
here is mine I hope this link works. I do want to explain something real quick. This lo is more about the story than anything. So this lo is more about the feeling. The shooting star and how I felt when I saw it. The trail is how the star and tail felt for me.
here is the journaling:
Coming home from work at about 4 o’clock one early morning, I cannot remember if it was a particularly hard night, but my thoughts were on what a difficult year we have had. We have had a number of good and several tragic events have taken place this year. It started in January, with John’s terrifying car accident. In June, we had Pappa’s heartbreaking accident that has us all still reeling. Grandma Danette had a heart attach in October and the state of California had devastating wild fires. The fires were terrifyingly close to us, at times we could see them, friends and loved ones were in danger. On November 1st our best friend and Jeanene’s godfather, Larry, died from complications of bladder cancer. He was a very young man with two small children of his own.
Even though this has been a very trying year, we have had many happier times. This summer was wonderful, with two weddings, Brooke and Shawn, each got married they were both amazing days. I started school in March, which has been very stressful, but a great first step on our way to something better.
On my way home that morning with all of these thoughts weighing heavily on my mind. As I got out of my car and grabbed my things, I looked up to see the biggest, brightest most amazing shooting star go right over the roof of our house. Now, I have always believed in symbols and have had others that have touched my life, nevertheless I was astonished and just stood there for a minute just wondering if I had actually seen it. I knew I had, I could feel it in the pit of my stomach and my soul. It felt like hope.
sorry I forgot to add the pic of my hidden journaling. thanks for looking.
duh, I am so excited to actually finally enter something.
thanks again.
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