To enter the contest, leave a comment with a link to your completed LO based on my sketch.
The prize is this Rhonna Farrer single birdie stamp {i know it's old, but it's so stinkin' cute} and these lacing cards by Cosmo Cricket.

Rules: Layout entered must be 12x12, you agree that I can post the "winning" entry on my blog. Also, other entries might be posted on the blog as well. DEADLINE is Black Friday at 12 midnight. Voting will be whichever LO I think was the most creative with my sketch. If there is a tie, I will put names in bowl, and have my 3 year old pick a name.
If you haven't subscribed yet, now is a good time.. Stay in the loop.
ok, lets see if this works again! heres my lo, and it actually has a title! I rarely have titles anymore! lol Thanks for the challenge!¤t=DSC06001.jpg
oopps wrong spot! lol my bad!
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